Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

Lidah Bunglon Lebih Cepat daripada Pesawat Jet Tempur

Buku-buku teks zologi menjelaskan bahwa lidah balistik bunglon diperkuat oleh seutas otot pemercepat (akselerator). Otot ini memanjang ketika menekan ke bawah pada tulang lidah, yang berupa tulang rawan kaku di tengah lidah, yang membungkusnya. Akan tetapi, dalam sebuah penelitian yang telah disetujui untuk diterbitkan oleh majalah ilmiah Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (Series B), dua ahli morfologi yang memelajari kebiasaan makan bunglon menemukan unsur-unsur lain yang terkait dengan gerakan cepat lidah binatang ini. (1)

Kedua peneliti Belanda ini, Jurriaan de Groot dari Universitas Leiden, dan Johan van Leeuwen dari Universitas Wageningen, mengambil film-film sinar X berkecepatan tinggi, yakni 500 bingkai per detik, dalam rangka menyelidiki bagaimana lidah bunglon bekerja ketika menangkap mangsa. Film-film ini menunjukkan bahwa ujung lidah bunglon mengalami percepatan 50 g (g = konstanta gravitasi). Percepatan ini lima kali lebih besar daripada yang dapat dicapai oleh sebuah jet tempur.

Para peneliti ini membedah jaringan lidah dan menemukan bahwa otot pemercepat sama sekali tidak cukup kuat untuk menghasilkan gaya yang diperlukan ini sendirian. Dengan meneliti lidah bunglon, mereka menemukan keberadaan sedikitnya 10 bungkus licin, yang hingga saat itu belum diketahui, di antara otot pemercepat dan tulang lidah. Bungkus-bungkus ini, yang melekat ke tulang lidah di ujungnya yang terdekat dengan mulut, teramati mengandung serat-serat protein berajutan spiral. Serat-serat ini memadat dan berubah bentuk ketika otot pemercepat mengerut dan menyimpan tenaga bagaikan seutas pita karet yang tertekan. Ketika mencapai ujung bulat tulang lidah, bungkus-bungkus yang ketat dan memanjang ini secara bersamaan menggelincir dan mengerut dengan kekuatan dan melontarkan lidah. Secepat serat-serat ini menggelincir dari tulang lidah, bungkus-bungkus saling memisahkan diri bagaikan tabung-tabung sebuah teleskop, dan karena itu lidah mencapai jangkauan terjauhnya. Van Leeuwen berkata, “ini adalah ketapel teleskopis.”

Ketapel ini memiliki ciri lain yang amat menyolok. Ujung lidah mengambil bentuk hampa pada saat menghantam mangsa. Ketika terlontar, lidah ini dapat menjulur sejauh enam kali panjangnya ketika istirahat di dalam mulut, dan dua kali panjang tubuhnya sendiri.

Jelaslah bahwa bungkus-bungkus yang saling terhubung pada lidah bunglon ini tidak pernah dapat dijelaskan menurut evolusi. Dalam wacana itu, mari kita ajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut:

1. Bagaimanakah masing-masing bungkus ini berevolusi ke tempatnya yang benar?

2. Bagaimanakah lidah tumbuh sedemikian panjang?

3. Bagaimanakah otot pemercepat muncul?

4. Bagaimanakah bungkus-bungkus menyelaraskan gerak-geriknya sehingga membuat lidah mencapai panjang maksimumnya?

5. Bagaimanakah bungkus-bungkus menumbuhkan kemampuan untuk “memanjangkan diri bak tabung-tabung teleskop”?

6. Bagaimanakah binatang tersebut menyatukan semua bagian ini setelah “meluncurkan” lidah?

7. Jika lidah ini diperoleh sebagai sifat menguntungkan akibat proses evolusi, lalu mengapa sifat unggul ini tidak berkembang pada binatang-binatang lain dan mengapa binatang-binatang lain tidak memiliki cara berburu yang sama?

8. Bagaimanakah bunglon (atau binatang yang dianggap moyang peralihannya) dapat bertahan hidup ketika semua sistem yang rumit ini diduga pelan-pelan berevolusi? (2)

Seorang evolusionis tidak akan memiliki jawaban bagi pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini. Gambar di sebelah kiri, sebuah lukisan yang mewakili penampang melintang lidah bunglon, menyingkapkan bahwa sistem sempurna ini bergantung pada penciptaan yang amat khusus. Kelompok-kelompok otot dengan sifat-sifat yang berbeda secara tanpa cela melontarkan lidah, memercepatnya, menyebabkan lidah mengambil bentuk isap ketika menghantam mangsanya dan lalu cepat-cepat menariknya. Kelompok-kelompok otot ini sama sekali tidak saling menghalangi fungsi masing-masing, namun bekerja dengan cara yang terselaraskan dalam menghantam mangsa dan menarik lidah kembali ke mulut dalam waktu kurang dari sedetik. Tambahan lagi, berkat kerjasama antara sistem penglihatan dan otak, kedudukan mangsa diukur dan perintah bagi lidah balistik untuk “menembak!” diberikan oleh syaraf yang mengirimkan isyarat di dalam otak.

Sudah pasti, bunglon tidak dapat memikirkan dan merancang sendiri rancangan yang demikian rumit itu. Penciptaan ini menyingkapkan keberadaan Allah, Sang Mahatahu dan Mahakuasa. Tidak ada keraguan bahwa Allahlah, Yang Mahakuasa, Mahatahu, dan Mahabijaksana, Yang menciptakan bunglon.


Chameleon Tongue Faster instead of Jet Fighter Aircraft

Text books explain that zologi ballistic chameleon's tongue is reinforced by a piece of muscle accelerator (accelerator). This muscle extends when pressing down on the tongue bone, which form rigid cartilage in the middle of the tongue, it was wrapped. However, in a study that has been accepted by the scientific journal Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (Series B), two experts who study the morphology of the eating habits of chameleons found other elements associated with the rapid movement of the tongue of this animal. (1)

The two Dutch researchers is, Jurriaan de Groot from the University of Leiden, and Johan van Leeuwen of Wageningen University, took the films X-ray high-speed, ie 500 frames per second, in order to investigate how the chameleon's tongue works when catching prey. These films show that the tip of a chameleon's tongue accelerates 50 g (g = gravitational constant). Acceleration is five times greater than could be achieved by a jet fighter.

The researchers dissected the tongue tissue and found that the accelerator muscle was not strong enough to generate the necessary force alone. By examining a chameleon's tongue, they discovered the existence of at least 10 pack ice, which until then unknown, in between the muscle and bone tongue accelerators. These packets, which is attached to the tongue bone at the end closest to the mouth, containing observed protein fibers berajutan spiral. These fibers condense and change shape when the accelerator muscle to shrink and store energy like a rubber ribbon is depressed. When he reached the tip of the tongue bone round, packets are tight and this extends simultaneously sliding and shrinking with the strength and gave tongue. Fibers as fast as it slid from the bone tongue, packets of each split tubes like a telescope, and therefore reach the tongue furthest reach. Van Leeuwen said, "This is a telescopic catapult."

These slingshots have other characteristics very conspicuous. Tip of the tongue taking a hollow shape when struck prey. When thrown, the tongue can be extended as far as six times as long as the rest of the mouth, and twice his own length.

It is clear that the packets are connected to each other on this chameleon's tongue can never be explained by evolution. In that discourse, let us ask the following questions:

1. How each of these packages evolve to the right place?

2. How tongue grew so long?

3. How muscle accelerators appear?

4. How to align packets of her movements that makes the tongue reaches its maximum length?

5. How to grow sachets ability to "extend themselves like a telescope tubes"?

6. How to unite all the animals of this section after the "launch" the tongue?

7. If the tongue is obtained as a result of the beneficial nature of evolution, then why do these superior qualities are not developed in other animals and why other animals do not have to hunt the same way?

8. How does a chameleon (or animals that are considered the ancestors transition) can survive when all of these complex systems expected to evolve slowly? (2)

An evolutionist would not have the answers to these questions. Images on the left, a painting representing a chameleon's tongue cross section, reveals that this perfect system relies on a very special creation. Muscle groups with properties that differ tongue impeccably cast, memercepatnya, causing the tongue takes the form of suction when hitting the prey and then quickly pulled. Muscle groups is by no means hinder each other their respective functions, but works in a way that hit terselaraskan in prey and pull the tongue back into her mouth in less than a second. Moreover, thanks to cooperation between the visual system and brain, and measured prey standing orders for ballistic tongue to "shoot!" Given by the nerves that send signals in the brain.

Certainly, chameleons can not think of and design their own designs so complicated that. Creation reveals the existence of God, the omniscient and omnipotent. There is no doubt that it is God, the Almighty, omniscient, and Wise, who created a chameleon.


Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

AP Photo / Winfried Rothermel
Historic windmill water dripping directly frozen in Furtwangen, Black Forest, southwest Germany, Monday (12 / 1). Although the weather was warmer than a few days earlier, in the night air still very cold.
Extreme cold weather hit the high latitude regions of Earth. This phenomenon, among others, caused by prolonged sun bed. The impact due to heavy exacerbated by a warming Earth and global climate change.

Since December last, extreme temperatures continue to hit northern latitude region, ie starting from the Americas, Europe, to Asia. In Europe, the cold temperatures last month had reached minus 16 degrees celsius in Russia and minus 22 degrees Celsius in Germany. For England, these extreme temperatures the coldest in 30 years. Transportation routes to France paralyzed.

United States was experiencing the same thing. Invasion of this extreme weather affects crop failures in Florida and caused two people died in New York.

Extraordinary incident which is believed to be the global scale of meteorological and astronomical observers associated with the weakening condition of the Sun's activity is marked by decreasing incidence sunspots or sunspot.

Black spots appear on the surface of the Sun through binoculars when viewed from the side like a milestone that comes from the surface of the Sun. Milestones that occur due to the magnetic mass in berpusarnya belly up through the surface of the Sun.

Due to the emergence of black spots of about 32,000 kilometers in diameter or 2.5 times the average diameter of Earth, the gas temperature in the photosphere and kromosfer up around 800 degrees Celsius than normal. This can lead to solar storms and explosions of light called a flare.

However, what happened the last few years is the sun off. The reduced activity of the Sun was based on observation Yono Yatini Clara, Head of Solar and Space Institute of Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan), began to appear since 2000.

The solar astrophysicist at the mention of 2008 as the year with days without sunspots belonging to the lowest in the last 50 years. They estimate several years after 2008 will be the years of cold, said Mezak Ratag, the astrophysicist who pioneered the establishment of Earth and Space Science Institute in Manado, North Sulawesi.

Measurement of magnetic field strength in sunspots last 20 years at Kitt Peak Observatory, Arizona showing a decline. The maximum magnetic field from an average of 3000 Gauss in the early 1990s down to about 2000 Gauss at the moment.

This significant decrease is evidence that until some future time the sun is still going on the state of lazy, Mezak said. He predicts that the maximum activity occurs around the year 2013, the rate will not be as high as the maximum in the last few cycles.

The sun and climate

As the sun dimmed prolonged, potentially extreme winter because the Sun-source of energy for the environment, the solar system is moving in the Earth's climate machine.

Since 1865, data showed a tendency Lapan rainfall decreases as the Sun quietly. Similarly, severe winter since the end of 2009 occurred when the Sun is very quiet (deep minimum) similar events 1995-1996, explained Thomas Djamaluddin, Head Utilization Center for Atmospheric and Climate Science Lapan.

Evidence of association with the Sun's behavior is indicated by the opposite phenomenon, namely minimal snow winter when the Sun is active in the year 1989. Very long winter occurs when the Maunder Minimum of 1645-1716 and the Dalton minimum the early 1980s.

Similar conditions occurred in 1910-1914. That much is associated with the cold sea in the sinking of the Titanic disaster in April 1912. Normally, when it was spring.

Meanwhile, Mezak argues, the minimum pattern of activity when the Sun is similar to the events of 1880, 1890, 1900, and 1910. Thus, the cycle of the Sun not only showed an eleven-year cycle. There is a longer cycle with a period of about 100 years-Gleisberg cycle. In the meteorological records, during the cycle, a lot of extreme cold weather, but not extreme Maunder Minimum.

Weather and Grk

Solar activity minimum effect more influenced high latitude regions. Solar activity since about the year 2007 up to now increase the odds of a large temperature gradient between the high latitude and low latitude. As a result, the wind velocity component north-south direction (Meridional) high.

Prof. CP Chang, who chaired the Executive Panel monsoon World Meteorological (WMO), concluded, monsoon activity across the equator which triggered a large temperature gradient in the north-south direction recently increased significantly compared to the last 50 years statistics.

This strengthens allegations, Solar activity minimum length is closely related to extreme cold weather. In Indonesia, the incidence of high winds across the equator into the main causes of the emergence of high waves of the South China Sea into waters of the Java Sea.

The existence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, continued Thomas, also increase the air temperature that cause climate change. Combined effect tends to increase vulnerability to climate-related disasters, said Thomas.

Global warming theory says, the atmosphere is heated to make the particles of air become more energetic and potentially result in extreme weather. (YUNI Ikawati)


7 Amazing Natural Phenomenon

In addition to natural beauty, it was a lot of places have incredible uniqueness. Genesis of this unique nature can be found only in certain regions, even in some cases, a particular moment. If you happen to travel to the area why do not you prepare the right time, who knows you have chance to come face to face with this unique and can relate more to the world

Storm Abadi - Venezuela
"Relámpago del Catatumbo" (Thunder Catatumbo) is a unique phenomenon that occurs at the mouth of the river Catatumbo in Venezuela. This phenomenon is there between cloud lightning that can happen almost 160 days in 1 year, and every day dapet lasted 10 hours, and every hour may occur bolt 280 times. The storm is almost eternal causes approximately 1.2 million times a bolt in one year, and can be seen up to 400 km away, which is sometimes used as visual navigation aids by a sailing ship.

Rain Fish - Honduras
This rain occurs usually in around May and July, typically, witnesses described a dark cloud that followed the lightning, and then storms and high winds and heavy rains for two or three hours. Once the rain stopped, hundreds of fish will be found in the mainland. The fish is then cooked and eaten as usual. Since 1998, there was a festival called "Festival de la Lluvia de Peces" (Rain of Fish Festival), performed every year in the city of Yoro, Honduras.

Goat climbers - Morocco
This phenomenon will not you can be found in other regions, except Morocco. These goats climb trees because they like the argan tree, similar to Olive. Goat breeders follow the goat, not because of strange, but because of argan fruit contains seeds that can not be digested by goats, and collected by the farmers of goat dung. These seeds can be processed into argan oil used in cooking and cosmetics.

Red Rain of Kerala - India
red color and make clothes that looked like dried blood bleeding. The rain is sometimes green or yellow, even black. These colors result from the existence of algae spores carried by wind at the time of the formation of rain.

Longest Waves in the World - Brazil
Two times a year, between February and March, water from the Atlantic Ocean will lead to the Amazon River, Brazil, and making waves the longest in history. Pororoca phenomenon called this happens during high tide from the Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of the river meet. This makes the wave that stands 12 feet tall and can hold up to half an hour!

Waves as high as that of course is very popular among surfers, and bring Picuruta Salazar, a surfer from Brazil to carve a successful world record as far as 12.5 km to surf for 37 minutes. But the waves are dangerous because of his tendency to sometimes destructive and sometimes bring a tree full of success in the pull from the ground by the force of waves.

Black sun - Danish
During the Danish summer, tau approximately half an hour before sunset, tail millions of insects called Starling (sturnis Vulgaris) merged and formed up 'fighters' beautiful as you can see in the picture. This battle formation phenomenon can be seen in the marshes of the Danish West from March until the middle of April.

Fire rainbow Idaho - United States
The phenomenon of the rainbow is generally shaped like a circle, while the fire rainbow is formed when the sun was in high positions, higher than 58 degrees from the horizon line. When the light through the high cirrus clouds, this cloud sometimes be able to show that light-solving process to form a similar phenomenon with the rainbow. (oddee.com / ari)


26 Million Hectares of Forest looted

Total forest in Indonesia, which was looted so far have been about 26 million hectares, equivalent to 21 percent of the total forest area in the country. This area has no longer a tree stand because it was damaged.

Zulkifli Hasan Forestry Minister expresses it in Jakarta, Tuesday (16/2/2010) after attending a coordination meeting of the National Spatial led by Coordinating Minister Hatta Rajasa.

According to Zulkifli, the forest area covers 70 percent of the territory of Indonesia which reached 180 million hectares. Of all the forest area, 23 percent or 43 million hectares of which still form the primary forests still good condition.

As for, the other 25 percent or 48 million hectares in good condition half half destroyed by the former concession areas (forest acquisition rights). While approximately 21 percent was looted and damaged no woods anymore.

"We affirm, all primary forest could not be bothered. It includes forest conservation, and protected forests. Conservation is important to monkeys, tigers and rare animals. Forest protected areas is also important for water uptake," he said.

On that basis, the Ministry of Forestry suggested that forest areas are to be converted for other purposes is a forest that was damaged earlier. Some land could be used for food crops.

"However, the transfer of this region are all very dependent on spatial structure. Now this layout to be developed by an integrated team later. Government should make local regulations first. Then proposed to the integrated team. When all is agreed, make amdalnya (environmental impact analysis ), "Zulkifli said.

Jakarta, Kompas.com

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

Seven Wonders of Tears

Who says there's no point crying? Over time it can make cry red eyes and swollen. But make no mistake, cried and had tears in my eyes it could be a miracle drug that is useful for healthy body and mind. Anything?

Quoted from Beliefnet, here's 7 wonders you can get after crying and watery eyes.

1. Helping vision

Tears turned out to help a person of vision, not just the eye itself. Liquid coming out of the eyes to prevent dehydration in the eye membrane that can make the vision become blurred.

2. Kill bacteria

No need eye drops, tears enough that serves as a natural antibacterial. In the liquid contained tears called lisozom that can kill around 90-95 percent of the bacteria left behind from the computer keyboard, railing, sneeze and the places that contain bacteria, in just 5 minutes.

3. Improve mood

Someone who can cry because of lower levels of depression with crying, someone will lift the mood again. Tears are produced from crying because of the emotional type contains 24 percent protein, albumin, which is useful in regulating the body's metabolic system than tears resulting from irritation of the eyes.

4. Removing toxins

A biochemist William Frey has done several studies on the tears and found that the tears that came out of the emotional cry because it contains toxins.

But make no mistake, tear out the poisonous indicates that he took the poison from the body and out through the eye.

5. Reduce stress

How to reduce stress cry? Tears were also issued a stress hormone that is found in the body of leucine-endorphin and prolactin enkaphalin.

In addition to lowering levels of stress, tears also help fight disease caused by stress such as high blood pressure.

6. Build community

In addition to good physical health, crying can also help someone build a community. Usually someone in tears after telling the problem in front of his friends or someone who can provide support, and this can increase the ability to communicate and socialize.

7. Relieve feelings

Everyone seemed to feel that way. Even if you suffered a variety of problems and trials, but after crying usually will appear a sense of relief.

After crying, the limbic system, brain and heart will be smooth, and it makes a person feel better and relieved. Take out the problem in your mind through the tears, do not be buried because you can cry explosiveness.

So, it's okay if you cry sometimes.


Source: detikhealth.

Miracle Of Air Zamzam

What in the world of water is greater than Zamzam water? That can survive and be preserved for thousands of years and could spend tens of millions of liters of water from her well water was small and been dry for thousands of years of water. Gynecology deadly germs have the power, other than merit to overcome the thirst, hunger and disease healing. And many other benefits.

How many of Zamzam water for human consumption every Hajj season?

Indonesian pilgrims there were 205 thousand people. If every person carrying 5 liters of Zamzam when he returned to their homeland, it is already 1.025.000 L. In addition, the Mecca-free assembly Zamzam water to drink.

If pilgrims spent an average of one liter of Zamzam in a day, then the entire Indonesian pilgrim needs 6 million liters! (30 day stay in Mecca). So the total required 7 million liters of Zamzam in a season pilgrimage. Meanwhile, Indonesian pilgrim was only 10 percent just two of millions of worshipers from all over the world.

And the well of Zamzam was only a water depth of 30 meters with a diameter wells ranged from 1.46 meters to 2.66 meters. Research shows, Zamzam spring water can emit as much as 11-18 liters of water per second. Thus, every minute will produce 660 liters of water.
That is astounding.

The miraculous Zamzam water

In scientific studies conducted in the laboratory of Europe, proved that Zamzam is another. Content of different water wells around Mecca.

* Calcium and salt content higher than Magnesiumnya other wells, efficacious to eliminate thirst and healing effects.
* Zamzam also contain fluoride which merit destroy germs contained in the water content.
* What is amazing is, no one bit of moss in the well. Zamzam is always free from bacteria contamination.
* Surprisingly again, when all the water wells around Makkah in dry conditions, water remains the Zamzam well. And Zamzam had never been dry throughout the ages.
* Some legal scholars recommended that pilgrims carry Zamzam when he returned to his country because it could be as Zamzam medicine for a cure.

"Air Zamzam is (good) for what drinker want. If one drinks to be healed (of disease), God will heal him. If someone drank so full, God will make him full. And if someone drank to relieve thirst, Allah will eliminate it. (Reported by Ahmad and Ibn Majah).

And this is proved, many pilgrims from Indonesia and other countries that have felt the magic of Zamzam water.

Where We Get Zamzam Water?

Place Zamzam well was now closed. But the congregation had difficulty obtaining Zamzam water in each corner of the mosque. Zamzam water is provided in large thermoses with a disposable plastic cup. Every pilgrim who came to the Grand Mosque will be able to drink Zamzam water whenever you want because the Grand Mosque open for 24 hours straight.

In the Medina mosque and shrines were Zamzam water is provided free of charge. And do not worry, when you return to the country would be equipped with 5 liters of Zamzam water.

Take advantage and treat these magical water with respect.
So, it's okay if you cry sometimes.


Buku “Tips Praktis Umrah dan Haji”

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