And Allah revealed to the bee: Make hives in the hills, on trees, and in places that erect. (Surat an-Nahl, 16:68)
Honey bees make honey storage with hexagonal shape. A storage form of the most effective compared with other geometric shapes. Bees use a form that allows them to save the maximum amount of honey by using the least material. The mathematician was amazed to learn that bees calculations very carefully. Another remarkable aspect is the way of communication between bees that are difficult to believe. After finding the source of food, a bee whose job seeking pemadu for making honey flower fly straight to its nest. He told the bees the other direction angle and distance of food source from the nest with a special dance. After carefully watching the motion cues in the dance, bees eventually others know where the food source and can find it without difficulty.
Bees use a very interesting way when building a nest. They started to build the cells where the honey from the corners of a different, so until they finally meet in the middle. After the work was over, did not seem the incongruity or patchy in these cells. Humans can not make this a perfect design without complicated geometric calculations; but bees do it very easily. This phenomenon proves that the bee is guided through the "inspiration" from God Almighty as the word of God in the letter An-Nahl verse 68 above.
Since millions of years ago, honey bees have produced ten times more than they need. The only reason why the animals do all these detailed calculations produce excess honey is so that people can benefit from the honey-containing "medicines for humans" is. God reveals this bee task in the Qur'an:
From inside them comes a drink (honey) of varying colors, inside there is healing for mankind. Verily in this is really a sign (the greatness of your Lord) for people who think. (Surat an-Nahl, 16: 69)
Did you know about the benefits of honey as a food source that God provided for man through these tiny insects?
Honey is composed of several sugar molecules such as glucose and fructose and minerals like magnesium, potassium, potassium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, iron and phosphate. Honey also contains vitamins B1, B2, C, B6 and B3 that composition changes according to the quality of nectar and pollen that the bees consumed. In addition, in the honey there is also copper, iodine and zinc in small quantities, as well as several types of hormones.
As word of God, honey is "healing for mankind". This scientific fact has been confirmed by scientists who met at the World Conference Apikultur (World Apiculture Conference) held on 20-26 September 1993 in China. At the conference discussed treatment using ingredients derived from honey. American scientists say that honey, royal jelly, pollen and propolis (bee resin) can treat various diseases. A doctor from Romania said that he tried to use honey to treat cataracts, and 2002 of 2094 patients recovered completely. Polish doctors also said in the conference that the resin bee (bee resin) can help cure many diseases such as hemorrhoids, skin diseases, gynecological diseases and other diseases.
2 komentar:
cuma sebagai saran aja nh...
selain artikel bhsa inggris jga bkin salinannya donk..yg brbhasa indonesia..jdi dual bahasa..
keren tuhn klo konsepnya bgtu....
klo di translate dlu kan mkan waktu..hehe
biar praktis..bkannya gk ngerti lo ya..cma kurang faham aja sma bhsa inggrisnya..hahahaha
siap bos laksanakan...
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