The two Dutch researchers is, Jurriaan de Groot from the University of Leiden, and Johan van Leeuwen of Wageningen University, took the films X-ray high-speed, ie 500 frames per second, in order to investigate how the chameleon's tongue works when catching prey. These films show that the tip of a chameleon's tongue accelerates 50 g (g = gravitational constant). Acceleration is five times greater than could be achieved by a jet fighter.
The researchers dissected the tongue tissue and found that the accelerator muscle was not strong enough to generate the necessary force alone. By examining a chameleon's tongue, they discovered the existence of at least 10 pack ice, which until then unknown, in between the muscle and bone tongue accelerators. These packets, which is attached to the tongue bone at the end closest to the mouth, containing observed protein fibers berajutan spiral. These fibers condense and change shape when the accelerator muscle to shrink and store energy like a rubber ribbon is depressed. When he reached the tip of the tongue bone round, packets are tight and this extends simultaneously sliding and shrinking with the strength and gave tongue. Fibers as fast as it slid from the bone tongue, packets of each split tubes like a telescope, and therefore reach the tongue furthest reach. Van Leeuwen said, "This is a telescopic catapult."
These slingshots have other characteristics very conspicuous. Tip of the tongue taking a hollow shape when struck prey. When thrown, the tongue can be extended as far as six times as long as the rest of the mouth, and twice his own length.
It is clear that the packets are connected to each other on this chameleon's tongue can never be explained by evolution. In that discourse, let us ask the following questions:
1. How each of these packages evolve to the right place?
2. How tongue grew so long?
3. How muscle accelerators appear?
4. How to align packets of her movements that makes the tongue reaches its maximum length?
5. How to grow sachets ability to "extend themselves like a telescope tubes"?
6. How to unite all the animals of this section after the "launch" the tongue?
7. If the tongue is obtained as a result of the beneficial nature of evolution, then why do these superior qualities are not developed in other animals and why other animals do not have to hunt the same way?
8. How does a chameleon (or animals that are considered the ancestors transition) can survive when all of these complex systems expected to evolve slowly? (2)
An evolutionist would not have the answers to these questions. Images on the left, a painting representing a chameleon's tongue cross section, reveals that this perfect system relies on a very special creation. Muscle groups with properties that differ tongue impeccably cast, memercepatnya, causing the tongue takes the form of suction when hitting the prey and then quickly pulled. Muscle groups is by no means hinder each other their respective functions, but works in a way that hit terselaraskan in prey and pull the tongue back into her mouth in less than a second. Moreover, thanks to cooperation between the visual system and brain, and measured prey standing orders for ballistic tongue to "shoot!" Given by the nerves that send signals in the brain.

Certainly, chameleons can not think of and design their own designs so complicated that. Creation reveals the existence of God, the omniscient and omnipotent. There is no doubt that it is God, the Almighty, omniscient, and Wise, who created a chameleon.
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